Specialized Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a powerful model that organizations can leverage to increase agility and respond to the changing needs of the enterprise

Our specialized staff augmentation services provide your business with access to experienced IT professionals when you need them most. We have a network of vetted and qualified personnel who can help reinforce your team for projects, upgrades, or any other tech-related needs. With our comprehensive screening process, you can be sure that the candidate we send is the best fit for your company and its mission.

Quick turnaround

Qualified candidates presented within
24-48 hours of a qualified job

Recruiter commitment

Average tenure of 10+ years. Our teams are
invested in sourcing & identifying candidates with the required skill sets, experience,
and cultural fit for the client's organization.


Our targeted screening typically finds you
the right placement within 3 candidates.

Infrastructure and End-user Support

  • Deskside support
  • Helpdesk support
  • Audio-video (AV) technology
  • Network engineering
  • Systems administration
  • Program management
  • Project management
  • Project Coordination

Software Development and Security

  • Software development (full-stack, front-end, back-end)
  • Business analysis
  • Cybersecurity analysis
  • Software testing/quality control analysis
  • Project management/Project Coordination
  • Cloud Engineering
  • Data Science

Design and Research

  • Visual design
  • Content design
  • Technical writing
  • Video presentation
  • Market research analysis
  • User research
  • UX/UI design

Icon Importance of Specialized IT Staff

Importance of Specialized IT Staff

  • Technical Expertise: Specialized IT staff possess in-depth knowledge and skills that are critical for the effective functioning of IT systems.
  • Innovation: They drive technological innovation by developing new solutions and improving existing systems.
  • Security: Cybersecurity experts protect against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, ensuring the safety of organizational data.
  • Efficiency: Network engineers and system administrators ensure that IT infrastructure runs smoothly, minimizing downtime and disruptions.
  • Data Management: Database administrators and data scientists handle vast amounts of data, transforming it into valuable insights.

Icon Management of Specialized IT Staff

Management of Specialized IT Staff

  • Recruitment:
    • Use targeted hiring strategies to attract candidates with the right expertise.
    • Leverage professional networks, tech-specific job boards, and recruitment agencies.
  • Training and Development:
    • Offer continuous learning opportunities to keep skills current with evolving technologies.
    • Support certifications and advanced education in specialized areas.
  • Retention:
    • Provide competitive salaries, benefits, and work-life balance to retain top talent.
    • Create clear career paths and opportunities for advancement.
  • Resource Allocation:
    • Assign specialized staff to projects that align with their expertise.
    • Manage workloads to prevent burnout and ensure job satisfaction.
  • Collaboration:
    • Foster a collaborative environment where IT specialists can share knowledge and work together on complex projects.
    • Encourage cross-departmental communication to integrate IT with overall business strategies.

Icon Key Characteristics

Key Characteristics

  • Trial Period: Typically lasts from a few months to a year, during which the employee works as a contractor.
  • Assessment: Employers evaluate the employee’s skills, work ethic, and cultural fit.
  • Conversion: If the trial period is successful, the contractor is offered a full-time position.

Icon Advantages for Employers

Advantages for Employers

  • Reduced Risk: Allows employers to evaluate potential hires on the job before committing to a permanent offer.
  • Flexibility: Provides flexibility to scale the workforce up or down based on project needs.
  • Cost Savings: Can reduce hiring costs associated with turnover by ensuring a good fit before permanent hiring.
  • Speed: Faster onboarding process compared to traditional hiring, especially when using staffing agencies.

Icon Process of Contract to Hire

Process of Contract-to-Hire

  • Recruitment:
    • Identify potential candidates through staffing agencies, job boards, and networking.
    • Conduct interviews and select candidates for the contract period.
  • Onboarding:
    • Provide necessary training and resources to start the contract role.
    • Clearly outline expectations, performance metrics, and potential for permanent hire.
  • Evaluation:
    • Monitor performance and provide feedback regularly.
    • Assess technical skills, teamwork, adaptability, and cultural fit.
  • Decision:
    • At the end of the contract period, decide whether to offer a permanent position.
    • If the decision is positive, transition the contractor to a full-time employee with a revised employment agreement.
    • If not, provide feedback and conclude the contract amicably.

Icon Best Practices for Contract to Hire

Best Practices for Contract-to-Hire

  • Clear Communication: Set clear expectations from the start about the contract terms and potential for full-time employment.
  • Regular Feedback: Provide ongoing feedback to help the contractor improve and align with company goals.
  • Integration Efforts: Include contractors in team meetings and company events to foster a sense of belonging.
  • Fair Evaluation: Use objective performance metrics to assess suitability for permanent roles.

Icon Key Characteristics Project Staffing

Key Characteristics

  • Temporary Engagement: Staff are brought on board for the duration of a specific project or for a set period.
  • Flexibility: Allows organizations to quickly scale their workforce up or down based on project demands.
  • Expertise: Enables access to specialized skills and knowledge not available in-house.

Icon Benefits of Project Staff Augmentation

Benefits of Project Staff Augmentation

  • Access to Specialized Skills: Quickly brings in experts with niche skills required for specific projects.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Adjust workforce size based on project requirements without long-term commitments.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces the need for permanent hires, saving on recruitment, benefits, and long-term salary expenses.
  • Speed: Faster onboarding process compared to traditional hiring, enabling quick response to project needs.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Allows permanent staff to focus on core business activities while augmented staff handle specific project tasks.

Icon Process of Project Staff Augmentation

Process of Project Staff Augmentation

  • Needs Assessment:
    • Identify the skills and roles needed for the project.
    • Determine the duration and scope of the engagement.
  • Partner with Staffing Agencies:
    • Collaborate with reputable staffing agencies to source qualified candidates.
    • Review candidates’ credentials, experience, and fit for the project.
  • Onboarding:
    • Provide necessary training and resources for the augmented staff.
    • Clearly communicate project goals, timelines, and expectations.
  • Integration:
    • Facilitate smooth integration with existing teams.
    • Encourage collaboration and communication between permanent and augmented staff.
  • Performance Management:
    • Monitor progress and provide regular feedback.
    • Ensure augmented staff meet project milestones and quality standards.
  • Offboarding:
    • Complete formalities at the end of the engagement.
    • Gather feedback from augmented staff and internal teams to assess the experience and identify areas for improvement.

Icon Best Practices for Project Staff Augmentation

Best Practices for Project Staff Augmentation

  • Clear Objectives: Define clear project goals, roles, and responsibilities from the outset.
  • Comprehensive Onboarding: Provide thorough onboarding to help augmented staff understand the company’s processes and culture.
  • Effective Communication: Foster open and continuous communication between all team members.
  • Regular Feedback and Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews and provide constructive feedback to ensure alignment with project goals.

Icon Key Characteristics Rebadging

Key Characteristics

  • Employee Transfer: Employees move from their original company's payroll to Five Rivers IT's payroll.
  • Continuity of Work: Employees continue to perform their existing roles, often on the same projects or for the same clients.
  • Partnership: This process strengthens the partnership between the client company and Five Rivers IT, aligning goals and resources.

Icon Benefits of Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

Benefits of Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces the operational costs for the client company by transferring HR, payroll, and benefits management to Five Rivers IT.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Allows the client company to concentrate on core business functions while IT management is handled by Five Rivers IT.
  • Retention of Expertise: Maintains continuity and retains valuable institutional knowledge by keeping the same employees on the projects.
  • Employee Development: Employees can benefit from Five Rivers IT's resources, training programs, and career growth opportunities.
  • Enhanced IT Services: Leverages Five Rivers IT's specialized knowledge and experience to improve IT services and solutions.

Icon Process of Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

Process of Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

  • Assessment and Planning:
    • Conduct a thorough assessment of the legal, financial, and operational implications.
    • Determine the duration and scope of the engagement.
    • Develop a detailed plan and timeline for the transfer.
  • Communication:
    • Communicate the rebadging plan to all stakeholders, including employees, management, and Five Rivers IT.
    • Clearly explain the reasons, process, and benefits of rebadging.
  • Legal and Contractual Agreements:
    • Draft and sign legal agreements between the client company and Five Rivers IT.
    • Ensure compliance with relevant labor laws and regulations.
  • Onboarding with Five Rivers IT:
    • Transfer employee records, benefits, and other relevant information to Five Rivers IT.
    • Provide orientation and integration support to rebadged employees.
  • Ongoing Management:
    • Monitor the transition and provide continuous support to address any issues or concerns.
    • Maintain open communication channels between the client company, Five Rivers IT, and the rebadged employees.

Benefits of Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

Best Practices for Rebadging to Five Rivers IT

  • Clear Communication: Provide transparent and consistent communication to build trust and reduce uncertainty among employees.
  • Employee Support: Offer support, including counseling, training, and career development opportunities, to rebadged employees.
  • Collaborative Planning: Involve both the client company and Five Rivers IT in the planning process to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Legal Expertise: Engage legal experts to handle employment law and contractual agreements.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly monitor the transition process and address any issues promptly to ensure success.